Letter from the President of the Board of Directors

“Special Music”

from the President of the Board

As I write this, April has just begun and I have just come from a dance party with Latin musician John Santos.  Having had hip replacement surgery about five months ago, this was my first attempt to “trip the light fantastic.” Without actually tripping! As I watched others dancing, some gently, some with swift abandon, my thoughts went to our residents at Chaparral House. They each move to the unique music of their lives, marking time to a dance that is theirs alone. At Chaparral House we respect the individuality of our residents so that, as much as possible, they can be themselves in a supportive environment.

Those are not polite p.r. words.  We mean it. When I was first approached to serve on the Board at Chaparral House, I had been a court-appointed attorney representing proposed conservatees.  I was familiar with a number of skilled nursing locations as many of my clients were SNF residents.

In my experience, Chaparral House was a breath of fresh air! So it was easy to say yes to joining the Board.

I thought I would perhaps spend a couple terms on the Board.  That was almost twenty years ago.  In the intervening years, among other things, I have served on a development task force to address infrastructure needs – list accomplished.  I have helped revise the by-laws, updated Board procedural guides, and served on the Executive Committee, currently as the President of the Board.

I would not have remained on the Board if I didn’t both believe in the mission of Chaparral House and seen it playing out in the day to day operation of the residence and the dedication of the staff in providing care and support to the residents.  Caregiving is difficult, paid or unpaid.  I’m not sure I could do it for any length of time, so I have great respect for the staff here that keep our residents well cared for, and for the family members who work cooperatively with staff to ensure their loved one’s life music plays as smoothly as possible.

Thoreau famously wrote,

 “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.  Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” 

I have a t-shirt with that quote on it, one of my favorites.  Chaparral House moves to the special music of excellence thanks to the highly skilled leadership of the administrators and the quality work of the staff, day after day.  After. Day.  That’s a lot.  I am grateful for you all.

Candace Goldman

P.S.  And thanks to the people in the kitchen who make the best peanut butter cookies!